Hi friends,
I realise there's not been a wealth of blog material from me for the last wee while. CLASSIC PICTISH TRAIL, that. Total classic. I've been up to my various chins in work for the label I run, Lost Map Records. I've started a podcast, even. You can listen to the first two episodes of it, below - or you can subscribe on your podcast app. Just search 'Lost Map Podcast' in your podcast app thing, and then subscribe, and then listen and you'll get to hear the soft, dulcet tones of my speaking voice.
Pictish Trail news? Well i'm starting to wind down on things - got the last few full band shows, performing Future Echoes, over the next two months. Green Man Festival in Wales (which should be EPIC), followed by a run of Scottish shows in September. Have a look at the gigs page for more info. After that, i'm going into hibernation, hopefully gonna get to work on the next album. I should really have had that finished by now, but look that's just not how it works for me, okay?
Ok bye. Listen to the podcasts below. Ok bye. Bye.
pt x